Thursday, October 30, 2008

We have a tentative departure date!

November 9th if all goes well, maybe sooner but it all depends on immigration and the whole visa deal. Whew! Lots going on right now. John is finishing up everything in the apartment and will be leaving there Friday at the latest (he has to be out by 11am) and Natalie and I are settling here at my sister's as best as we can. I'm trying to get us both on some kind of a schedule though that will go right out the window once John gets here. Hopefully he won't drive me too crazy, I about went nuts with the whole moving thing because he was such a pain about it all! Ugh. Just want some peaceful time and hopefully some time for just the two of us before he leaves.

It's all starting to hit but I'm still trying not to think about it too much. Right now, I'm kind of trying to prepare for the writing thing that starts in November. I didn't do it these past couple of years though another mom I knew did (and wrote very well for it too) but I would really like to give it a go. It would be fictional but I'm kind of coming up with something. I don't know. It's been a long time since I've really done any writing (well besides letters and emails and stuff) but it would give me something to do anyway and I do have my AlphaSmart that I have had forever. I would need to hook it up to the desktop to use it but I suppose I could use the laptop too, just haven't really used it on my LAP yet. lol

That's pretty much it for now. Natalie's been sleeping for a couple of hours now and I had better get a diaper on her and then I should head off to bed. More details will come as I learn of them.

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