Monday, October 17, 2011

My favorite age.

Isabelle is now reaching the point of her development where everything she does is just positively cute (even when she's getting into trouble!). She's been walking for awhile and now she's starting to talk (a little earlier than Natalie but she wasn't walking quite as early as Natalie either). She's kind of an odd one with the talking though as she's not saying words but phrases though they're not very clear. We've had a game for awhile where I would hide under the blankets and say, "Where's Mama?" She would peek under the blanket and I would respond, "Here I am!" Or I would hide her and say, "Where's Isabelle?" and when I found her, would then say, "There she is!" So now, when I do it, Isabelle says, every single time she finds me, something that sounds a lot like, "There it is!". She also says "upsy daisy", "hi" (while waving), what sounds like "bye-bye", and what John thinks sounds like "thank you". She also has this game where she'll bring you a doll to hug. I hug the doll and say, "aww" and now Isabelle does the same thing. It's absolutely cute. She'll also respond to my saying, "No, you can't!" with "Yes, I can!". I don't know where she got that one and I have a feeling that this may really come to a head when she's older! She says something (can't quite understand it) when I have something she wants and she can kind of say "banana". Yes, this little girl has quite a vocabulary at not quite 15 months old (though she still won't really say mama!)! I can only see that getting bigger as time goes on. Natalie just started talking at 15 months with her first word, "Hi" but her vocabulary just exploded after that so I'm definitely anticipating that with Isabelle as well.

She's getting more into playing with her toys (and with her sister's toys). She loves her legos though still hasn't quite figured out how to put them together. She plays with them instead, putting them into the cupboards and things in the play kitchen we have. She likes to play in the cupboards in the regular kitchen but we have to watch that because she's prone to getting into trouble. She dumped the rest of an open box of Minute Rice the other day.

She's cute though and I love this age. I really loved it when Natalie was this age and missed it when Natalie grew out of it at three. I'll need to take video this time so I can remember these days even when I'm old and erm grayer.

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