Sunday, January 11, 2009

Okay, let's try this one again...less than two weeks now, hopefully!

We ran into a couple of snafus this week with John trying to get plane tickets. Mainly the problem had to do with the company John decided to go with to get the tickets. It was one of those companies that unfortunately outsources its customer service to another country where the people do not speak English very clearly. For someone like me, with hearing issues, this is not a good thing. The person kept calling and calling needing information to run John's debit card through (a card issued by a bank in Korea) and half the times, I could not understand a word he was saying! Then it was determined that the card could NOT be used at all which added even MORE frustration to the point where I was getting SO stressed out, I couldn't get anything else done because I was dealing with all this. On top of that, I wasn't hearing from John for 24 hours or more at a time so when the guy did call, I had no information or anything, didn't know what was going on which made the conversations VERY aggravating. Even after John called and talked to the guy and told him NOT to call here, he called here again! By then, I was just more than a little annoyed, I was STEAMING! And while they couldn't run the cards through on John's debit card, they were more than happy to charge it $50 just to cancel the hold! ARGH! The reason we were looking to cancel it was because we couldn't pay for the tickets!

So after ALL that trouble, I decided that I'm just NOT ready to leave next Sunday, not to mention John actually wants us to leave on Saturday which was DEFINITELY not going to happen. The total flight time from the time we would leave Chicago to getting to Korea will take about 21 hours. Add 15 hours to that and that will be the time when we get to Korea. The plan is to leave 8am CT Saturday from Chicago and arrive at what will be 7:30pm Korean time SUNDAY. And that's if there are NO delays and NO snafus. John wants to be there when we arrive though and waiting until Sunday to leave here means that would not happen as he would have just barely gotten off of work by the time we arrived and he would still have to get to the airport which I think is about an hour away. He also thinks the airport there will be a little less crowded by the time we get there which will probably be a good thing considering how exhausted will be by then, especially when you consider that it will be 4:30am HERE when we get to Korea. This time change stuff really boggles my mind so it should be really interesting as we fly over various places.

So the plan is to fly from Chicago to San Francisco and then San Francisco to Korea. The airport in San Francisco looks really nice and I guess it's right by the bay/ocean/some body of water anyway. Should be interesting and I'll have to make sure to get lots of pictures. Just so many things to think about and plan and not having ever been on a plane, I'm simply overwhelmed.

This week, I need to go to La Crosse and pick up some things, the big one being more luggage. I want to at least get one more large check-in bag. There's a lot of clothing and stuff we'll be bringing and I want to make sure we have everything we'll need, at least through the winter. I also need to find Natalie some clothes. The little stinker has grown too much and a lot of the 3T items have gotten snug on her. SO frustrating! So, I need to see how some of the 4T items will fit. Then, I could stand to get a few things myself so, just lots to do and not a lot of time to do it in so if I'm not posting very much, that's why.

In other news, my sister was released from the hospital and she is home. She's supposed to be on limited activities and she'll still have to see her OB every week for ultrasounds and things like that, just in general keeping on eye on Keira. Unfortunately, her stress levels are about through the roof because a certain person who shall at the moment remain nameless is selfish and uncaring about the life he was partly responsible for starting. I will say this though, I'm glad my husband does have a higher power to answer to in as far as our marriage goes and will not just run off when the responsibilities start to pile up. But that's all I'm going to say on that.

So that's it for now and hopefully, I'll know more by next week this time.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds hectic! I hope things get better and hope your move with be great for you!


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