Sunday, April 1, 2012


I got into this website back in January, I think and I'm simply hooked. I have found SO many great ideas for homeschooling and organizing and more. I have over 1000 pins now, most of them for homeschooling in various subjects. It's nice to have a visual showing of all of the things I find interesting online. I have even used it to give my younger sister ideas for her wedding. She's not quite as addicted as I am but again, it's SO helpful to have that visual which regular bookmarks do not provide. Not that bookmarks aren't a help, I still use those too but I'm likely to use them to bookmark a website whereas with Pinterest, I might pin a specific page within that site that contains an idea I may use later on.

Now, I'm taking my use of the website one step further (or is it farther?) and adding in pins of things I have actually made. Years ago, before I went to Korea, I made nursing necklaces for moms who had little nurslings who were prone to grabbing and pinching and pulling and more. I really got into it and enjoyed it but it wasn't easy to find the beads I needed to use and when we went to Korea, the project was abandoned altogether. I actually miss doing things like my nursing necklaces and other craft projects. I haven't been able to get into it as much this time around with the new little one because I haven't had the same amount of time I used to have back when Natalie was a baby. We lived in a different area and my husband was able to take her out more. It would be nice to get back into it again though because I did enjoy it, just hard to say if I would get back into selling with restrictions being the way they are now.

Anyway, if you want to check out my page, go here:

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