Sunday, February 26, 2012

That was scary!

When parenting, one has to learn to expect the unexpected because you never know when a seemingly innocent event can create major problems. My husband John and my older daughter Natalie attended a winter social through their church yesterday. I didn't go because I don't follow the belief system of my husband's church and it was going to be one of those deals where I was going to be in a situation where I would have felt very uncomfortable and very self-conscious for hours and so I just decided to stay home with our younger daughter. Not to mention, they were getting a ride there from someone else in the church. They left a little after 1 in the afternoon and would be back late that night.

I get a call a little bit before 9PM. They had been out on a wagon wide and for some reason the ride included a couple of furry guests in the form of giant rabbits (and I guess these were GIANT rabbits, likely Flemish Giants). Natalie had a great time holding the rabbit on her lap and petting it. When they got back, a talent show started up and not too long after that, Natalie rubbed her eyes causing an instant and severe allergic reaction. Her eyes swelled up, her face broke out in hives. Fortunately someone there had Benedryl and gave her that and got her cleaned up and into other clothes (she had second set with her for services). Still, pretty scary and my husband was fairly freaked out. She was still puffy eyed when she got home and her eyes are still a little swollen today. Never thought a rabbit would cause that much of an allergic reaction! Guess it's time to make a call to the ped to see about getting her in for allergy testing. Just ironic though because I've owned at least two rabbits growing up and never had any issues.

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