Been fighting, for the last week now, both a cold and a stomach bug. Got the cold first on Valentine's Day. The next day, got hit with a very violent 24 hour stomach flu bug. Very violent, could not get out of bed without throwing up stomach flu bug. I had to have my husband stay home from work because I could not take care of the kids. Stomach bug went away leaving the cold behind. Then yesterday, the stomach bug tried to make a come back. Was able to at least take care of the kids so that John could work. The cold is finally going away, at least enough that I might not have to go through 3 rolls of toilet paper in a weekend and I can actually sit with my mouth closed and still be able to breathe.
In the meantime, the apartment is TRASHED. Laundry hasn't been done in weeks, dishes are piling up, toys are EVERYWHERE! It's a nightmare and not being at 100%, cleaning has not been getting done (because, seriously, cleaning is hard enough with two kids even when I'm at 100%). I'm hoping that I remain healthy enough to do some catching up on Saturday while John and Natalie are away at church. We'll see. I may also try and bribe my little sister into letting me use her washer and dryer. I'm willing to pay her $1.50/load...okay maybe $1/load. That's fair. :D Okay, maybe not. I need to get SOME laundry washed though as the laundry monster is slowly slinking down my hallway. I mean really, it's getting brutal. The toys are taking on a life of their own too so that needs to be dealt with as well. I had John stop at Target to pick up some shoe box totes (as well as a couple of larger ones) and it's tackle, tackle, tackle. Just going to keep putting stuff in them until they're filled up, I guess. Even better, they have colored lids. The sale only included teal and olive green lids but better than white. The larger ones will hopefully help with some of the excess toys. For now, it might be back to throwing everything in the big totes and SLOWLY moving things to the smaller ones and organizing. The girls managed to get in and empty out almost ALL of the totes. Gah! Not like they had enough toys already running around!
In the meantime, the girls as usual provide their own source of entertainment. Isabelle is finally saying "Mama". It only took her about 19 months. It's cute though. She goes "MMMMmama". Just precious. And it's sad because I can't even remember when Natalie said Mama. I'm pretty sure it was one of her first words, one of her babble words. Isabelle's babble word was "dada". Just took her forever to get that M sound down. She does other cute things too like giving hugs and kisses and kissing her hand. She also pesters her big sister which is funny in and of itself. Natalie at least takes it in stride, she just loves having a little sister. I think it helps that her dad still gives her a ton of attention. I wasn't quite so lucky at her age.
So that's what's going on right now. Would include pictures but I don't think I've taken any lately and I haven't been letting Natalie take off with the camera as much (probably because she tends to hog the memory with videos of herself spinning around). One of these days I'll get on it though.
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