Thursday, December 13, 2012

Still plowing through this online schooling thing...for now.

It's been a real struggle though. There are days I can't get Natalie to do any work at all and I just get tired of fighting with her. Other days, there's so much to do in the house that I just can't deal with that AND trying to get Natalie to do her lessons. There are times where it ends up being a one or the other thing and I get tired of my apartment looking trashed and not being able to find things.

We ended up WAY behind by Tuesday. She was supposed to be down to 10 overdue lessons and she was up to 29. The breakdown on Sunday told me that I really need to start picking my battles as far as what I need to be focusing on. I took a much needed three days off and have talked to Natalie's teacher. A new plan is in place and I'm hoping that I can keep Natalie on track from now to the end of the semester. I don't know if I'm going to continue after the semester though. The pace may just be too much to meet the needs of our family at this time. It is a good program and it's a good compromise between homeschooling and public schooling but at the same time, a lot of the benefits that come from strictly homeschooling are lost (though there are benefits that are gained like not having to buy a curriculum--good if you don't have much money for one). So, I'm trying to get it all figured out and it's very possible that we will have to withdraw her and continue on our own for the second semester. At least, I will know where she's at and have an idea what to focus on and form a curriculum based on that.

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