I seriously need to CUT DOWN on the amount of toys the girls have. This is not something I'm good at though so every so often, I'm left dealing with the toys being all messed up and unorganized. It doesn't help that my husband doesn't know the first thing about organizing. I have, for toys alone, two extra large totes (think 17 gallons), two large totes, two medium totes, and 15 shoebox sized totes. Then I have a tote for legos and a tote for wooden blocks. This should be MORE than enough to organize toys in (and we're not including stuffed animals in this, just toys and dolls) but I find toys EVERYWHERE! Again, doesn't help that my husband is organization-challenged. When he goes to clean, he throws stuff in boxes in absolutely no logical sense whatsoever. So, I have found things in the oddest of places not the least of which the box of garbage bags in a box of toys (this after my husband SWORE the garbage were not in ANY of the boxes). *sigh* This makes me wish I had stayed home while they all had gone to the Feast last month because trying to catch up on all of the housework, shopping, laundry, AND homeschooling is going to kill me. Thank goodness for medication because I probably would have gone off the deep end by now.
UPDATE: Pictures to give you an idea of all of the organizing I do with these toys!
I probably should post an updated picture as I have gone through and gotten rid of a few toys since then. I should probably wait until AFTER Christmas though. Oh, and the bottom tote in the last picture is all My Little Pony stuff. There's also a small tote of My Little Pony stuff on the top shelf, it's all the accessories and little bitty ponies she has. I'm afraid to even see all the stuff her aunt sent! She's sending me TWO boxes worth of stuff! AAAAAAAAAAH!!!
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