Monday, February 16, 2009

Things that really make my head spin...

Okay, so I get this email from my husband this morning regarding future plans and the eventual arrival of my daughter and I to South Korea (so yes, the trip is back on, FINALLY!). Of course, this has me sitting down and looking to see just what I can afford as far as plane fares when (and sadly, coming to the realization that it would probably be best to try and do taxes now to MAYBE get some money faster than it's currently coming, *sigh*). So, as I'm looking at air fares and flight plans and all that good stuff, it has me thinking of the flight itself and how I'm going to deal with a three year old who has a huge abundance of energy and is going to be spending MOST of that day stuck on an airplane or in an airport and trying to figure out what time I should kind of push for her to maybe go to sleep and that had me thinking time zones and the ever so lovely International Date Line. And let me tell you, trying to figure that out, I have decided, is a math problem from my worse nightmares. Because here is the logistics of it:
  1. The flight is 13 hours from the time we leave San Francisco (roughly).
  2. At some point during that flight, we will fly over the International Date Line thereby losing one full 24 hour day (which kind of freaks me out, you know?).
  3. THEN, to make matters more interesting, we will continue to go BACKWARDS in time until we reach Seoul, South Korea where it will be 7:30 in the evening but only 4:30 in the morning at my current time zone, almost 24 hours from the time I left.
  4. Which has me wondering just how many hours it takes to fly through a time zone and then considering we'll be earlier by the time we reach the dateline there's that too!
  5. Is it any wonder that I'm just not totally boggled by this time? Which begs the question, has ANYONE invented a watch for these kinds of situations?! Because really, how in the world is one expected to keep track of time!
I'm not at all a math person either and this just really has my mind all befuddled, let me tell you. I guess the important thing is the whole when I'm leaving and when I'm arriving type deal but seriously, I would love to know how the people who are FLYING the airplanes do it because man, that has to be a SERIOUS time warp. Not to mention, come to think of it, how do the people on star ships do it? Although really, that's not really discussed too much on shows like Star Trek but it does have me wondering. And just what does that whole star date thing mean anyway? Ack! My head is rattling now!

Fortunately for Natalie, she has like NO concept of time whatsoever which must be nice. And don't even get me started on the whole sunset deal! I imagine that we'll be seeing that at some point too, just not quite sure how that all works out either!


  1. That is funny....head achingly (the math stuff) funny. Hope you get it all worked out! I don't think I ever could!

  2. LOL- actually... you are going *forwards* in time!!!
    Do you have a portable dvd player? Also, crayola makes this stuff that can be used just on the special paper they make for it, but they have markers and fingerpaints- totally clear!- that show the colors on the paper. I bought a crapload of that for Logan's flight to Japan. He loved it and it was mess free. As for when to get her to fall asleep... honestly, she'll do it on her own. Trust me...I was *shocked* when he slept over half the flight. But really, really thankful. I think sometimes sheer boredom and being confined tells their body to shut down. You are going to be JUST FINE! :)


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