Just got a call from her. She's in the hospital. Her ultrasound yesterday (she's been getting ultrasounds every week since she was at 24 weeks) showed flow restriction in the umbilical cord so they have her on bed rest now there, on heart monitors. She's getting steroid shots to mature baby's lungs and they're running all kinds of tests on her. She's 28 weeks today. She lost Emmah at 28 weeks and four days. They are not taking any chances with her. So yeah, some pretty scary stuff going on and any prayers for her and the baby right now would really be appreciated. Her kids don't know yet. They've been on vacation with their grandparents for the last week or so. They went to Disney World. Since Vannessa's been restricted as far as travel (for this very reason), she wasn't able to go.
At this point, I'm not even sure what to do as far as leaving. I mean, with finances and the value of a dollar and all that, I wasn't looking to go until John got paid again which would be the 15th of January (he got paid before his break but it just wasn't enough with the dollar's value being so low right now). We could get plane tickets now with what we had but it would leave us with very little money if anything were to go wrong. Now, I'm not sure what to do. For sure, I won't be leaving until after January 15th, I just don't know when but at least by then, she'll be over 30 weeks and the baby will have a better chance of making it.
So that's what's going on at the moment, more updates as I learn of them.
*HUG* so scary. Your sister and her unborn child are in my thoughts.