This is something my mom used to say all the time that I do have to say I agree with, that and her whole, "I see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it's not that of an oncoming train!" Not quite to THAT point yet but it's getting there. This last week, oddly enough, went by pretty quick and now we're about two weeks to John's birthday which is when he next gets paid and when we plan to REALLY get the plane tickets. I just haven't felt comfortable getting them sooner than that when money just hasn't been quite as lucrative as I thought. But we'll be there soon and in the meantime, I have time to get ready to go.
It's New Year's Eve and this is normally the time I sit down and pore over all of my old journals and relive past New Year's Eves. I have too many of them now though including THREE online journals. So that tradition has sort of gone out the window. It's kind of odd though to think that for John, it's already the New Year. Here we are about three hours to midnight and the New Year and it's been the New Year for him for over 12 hours now. Just boggles my mind sometimes.
My younger sister is still in the hospital and will be until the baby is born. They are hoping that it will be AT term. She's not due though until March 24th. That's a LONG time to be in the hospital. Her husband plans to rent her a laptop and get her internet over at the hospital so that she doesn't go too insane with cabin fever. Otherwise, not much going on there other than that they are watching her very closely and running a bunch of tests to find out what exactly is going on.
Here, we're all just sort of vegging and waiting for midnight. Natalie got a nap earlier, so she'll be up because in La Crosse, they do fireworks on the bluffs and one of the stations tapes it so we can turn that on at midnight for the kids to watch (or kid, if the other two crash before then). Natalie LOVES fireworks so this will definitely be up her alley.
I will say, other than at the end when John left, 2008 wasn't too bad of a year; 2009 though, should prove to be very interesting once Natalie and I get overseas.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A not so good update on my sister...
Just got a call from her. She's in the hospital. Her ultrasound yesterday (she's been getting ultrasounds every week since she was at 24 weeks) showed flow restriction in the umbilical cord so they have her on bed rest now there, on heart monitors. She's getting steroid shots to mature baby's lungs and they're running all kinds of tests on her. She's 28 weeks today. She lost Emmah at 28 weeks and four days. They are not taking any chances with her. So yeah, some pretty scary stuff going on and any prayers for her and the baby right now would really be appreciated. Her kids don't know yet. They've been on vacation with their grandparents for the last week or so. They went to Disney World. Since Vannessa's been restricted as far as travel (for this very reason), she wasn't able to go.
At this point, I'm not even sure what to do as far as leaving. I mean, with finances and the value of a dollar and all that, I wasn't looking to go until John got paid again which would be the 15th of January (he got paid before his break but it just wasn't enough with the dollar's value being so low right now). We could get plane tickets now with what we had but it would leave us with very little money if anything were to go wrong. Now, I'm not sure what to do. For sure, I won't be leaving until after January 15th, I just don't know when but at least by then, she'll be over 30 weeks and the baby will have a better chance of making it.
So that's what's going on at the moment, more updates as I learn of them.
At this point, I'm not even sure what to do as far as leaving. I mean, with finances and the value of a dollar and all that, I wasn't looking to go until John got paid again which would be the 15th of January (he got paid before his break but it just wasn't enough with the dollar's value being so low right now). We could get plane tickets now with what we had but it would leave us with very little money if anything were to go wrong. Now, I'm not sure what to do. For sure, I won't be leaving until after January 15th, I just don't know when but at least by then, she'll be over 30 weeks and the baby will have a better chance of making it.
So that's what's going on at the moment, more updates as I learn of them.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Well, this was kind of an interesting week...
To start with, I'm in Wisconsin and the weather here is CRAZY. I mean, you never know what's going to happen, it could be anything really. So, on Sunday, we had this big drop in temperature. It got up to around 50 degrees (which is pretty warm for December) and then DROPPED to around 0 that night. The next day, when my BIL was getting ready to leave to pick up gas (because we were out of propane gas yet again), he found the baby donkey my older sister had gotten down and almost unconscious from hypothermia. He was close to death. So, my BIL brought him into the house to get him warmed up because there really was no other place to put him. There was a little bit of a shelter outside but nothing with any heat in it except for the house. So, there was a donkey in the kitchen which was pretty interesting. We didn't think he would make it but my sister and her husband finally got him warmed up and he seemed to be fine.
Tuesday, my friend came and picked me up and brought me to town. Natalie stayed with her aunt since the weather was getting kind of bad and it would give Natalie a chance to have an overnight before we left as I highly doubt Natalie will have an overnight while we're in Korea (I just don't quite see that happening). The weather wasn't great as it was snowing (making up for all the snow that melted on Sunday) and with country back roads, the driving was not fun but we got into town and got a few things done. We also had a chance to go out and eat and that was very nice and do some shopping before heading back, throwing a pumpkin pie in the oven and watching Pippi Longstocking (an old childhood favorite of mine). I spent the night at my friend's and the next day was better weather-wise, clear and not too cold so we took care of more errands and then later that day, she took me home and I got back here later in the evening. The donkey was fine. He had his own little enclosed area in the kitchen (yes, he was still in the kitchen) and he had some hay and it looked like he was going to be just fine.
Thursday was spent kind of chilling out and things were okay with the donkey though he wasn't getting up as much but he seemed fine, was alert and all that and so no one thought of trying to get him up more or anything as we all just figured he needed some rest after his ordeal and being in the house where there is a lot of activity going on and stuff. My sister was back at work so she wasn't there to really see what was going on but again, he looked like he was just fine. Later that night, we started getting snow again. Another friend of mine was going to try and pick me up for the weekend but her cell phone battery died and she wasn't able to find the place (we're REALLY far out in the country here) so she had to go back home without picking us up.
Today, the donkey took a huge turn for the worse. He wasn't getting up, he wasn't eating or drinking, just laying in his "pen". At one point, I walked into the kitchen and he had his head up on his shoulder in a really funny way. A couple of hours later, he was gone. My sister was called home from work and she got back pretty much just in time for him to die. He wouldn't get up or anything and his breathing was very funny too. No idea what really happened though but there's been quite a few livestock deaths this week due to the goofy weather on Sunday. I guess animals can't handle that kind of drastic temperature change. It's amazing we humans do but I suppose it's because we're not outside as much and can just adjust the inside temperature accordingly.
So that's been my week here. It was kind of a goofy one, that's for sure. Next week is the big week holiday wise of course and although John and I really don't do the whole Christmas thing anymore, my family does so Natalie and I are kind of getting dragged over for the whole Christmas dinner affair and all that. My older sister seems to think that this would be the PERFECT time for Natalie to have her birthday party. John isn't so thrilled by the idea. I'm waiting on him to let me know whether he gets paid early or not so that I have somewhat of an idea as to when we'll be going to Korea. I'm also trying to figure out what all I have to do still. I'm really starting to think I may ship some things over there instead of packing it in the suitcase and taking it with. I think the shipping might be cheaper. Can't hurt to find out anyway. My plan is to look for space saver bags and see what I can do as far as putting clothes and things in there and then shipping it. I suppose it would make things lighter too which would help and that way, I don't have to worry so much about shipping costs but I don't think it would work for travelling with the way air travel and security is these days. It kind of bites but it is what it is. There's just a lot of stress and frustration going on with me right now as I'm trying to prepare, prepare, prepare and take care of Natalie at the same time. She's been hitting some HUGE mental milestones and some of them are just a bit overwhelming right now. John is going to have his hands FULL once she gets over there. Well, mine will be too but he's going to at least get her for a couple of days while I recover from the two months alone with her and jet lag, not to mention the 13 hours plus I'll have to be on a plane with her. Bleh. I'm SO not looking forward to that. But what else can I do? Just hope I find out WHEN soon so that I can finish preparing. It's hard to do that when I don't have a departure date.
Tuesday, my friend came and picked me up and brought me to town. Natalie stayed with her aunt since the weather was getting kind of bad and it would give Natalie a chance to have an overnight before we left as I highly doubt Natalie will have an overnight while we're in Korea (I just don't quite see that happening). The weather wasn't great as it was snowing (making up for all the snow that melted on Sunday) and with country back roads, the driving was not fun but we got into town and got a few things done. We also had a chance to go out and eat and that was very nice and do some shopping before heading back, throwing a pumpkin pie in the oven and watching Pippi Longstocking (an old childhood favorite of mine). I spent the night at my friend's and the next day was better weather-wise, clear and not too cold so we took care of more errands and then later that day, she took me home and I got back here later in the evening. The donkey was fine. He had his own little enclosed area in the kitchen (yes, he was still in the kitchen) and he had some hay and it looked like he was going to be just fine.
Thursday was spent kind of chilling out and things were okay with the donkey though he wasn't getting up as much but he seemed fine, was alert and all that and so no one thought of trying to get him up more or anything as we all just figured he needed some rest after his ordeal and being in the house where there is a lot of activity going on and stuff. My sister was back at work so she wasn't there to really see what was going on but again, he looked like he was just fine. Later that night, we started getting snow again. Another friend of mine was going to try and pick me up for the weekend but her cell phone battery died and she wasn't able to find the place (we're REALLY far out in the country here) so she had to go back home without picking us up.
Today, the donkey took a huge turn for the worse. He wasn't getting up, he wasn't eating or drinking, just laying in his "pen". At one point, I walked into the kitchen and he had his head up on his shoulder in a really funny way. A couple of hours later, he was gone. My sister was called home from work and she got back pretty much just in time for him to die. He wouldn't get up or anything and his breathing was very funny too. No idea what really happened though but there's been quite a few livestock deaths this week due to the goofy weather on Sunday. I guess animals can't handle that kind of drastic temperature change. It's amazing we humans do but I suppose it's because we're not outside as much and can just adjust the inside temperature accordingly.
So that's been my week here. It was kind of a goofy one, that's for sure. Next week is the big week holiday wise of course and although John and I really don't do the whole Christmas thing anymore, my family does so Natalie and I are kind of getting dragged over for the whole Christmas dinner affair and all that. My older sister seems to think that this would be the PERFECT time for Natalie to have her birthday party. John isn't so thrilled by the idea. I'm waiting on him to let me know whether he gets paid early or not so that I have somewhat of an idea as to when we'll be going to Korea. I'm also trying to figure out what all I have to do still. I'm really starting to think I may ship some things over there instead of packing it in the suitcase and taking it with. I think the shipping might be cheaper. Can't hurt to find out anyway. My plan is to look for space saver bags and see what I can do as far as putting clothes and things in there and then shipping it. I suppose it would make things lighter too which would help and that way, I don't have to worry so much about shipping costs but I don't think it would work for travelling with the way air travel and security is these days. It kind of bites but it is what it is. There's just a lot of stress and frustration going on with me right now as I'm trying to prepare, prepare, prepare and take care of Natalie at the same time. She's been hitting some HUGE mental milestones and some of them are just a bit overwhelming right now. John is going to have his hands FULL once she gets over there. Well, mine will be too but he's going to at least get her for a couple of days while I recover from the two months alone with her and jet lag, not to mention the 13 hours plus I'll have to be on a plane with her. Bleh. I'm SO not looking forward to that. But what else can I do? Just hope I find out WHEN soon so that I can finish preparing. It's hard to do that when I don't have a departure date.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I'm beginning to think I'm going to be stuck here forever...
I've been informed that the person who is supposed to be taking me and Natalie to Chicago when we FINALLY get a flight out currently does not have a working vehicle to be able to do so. The van he normally drives has a non-working transmission. My older sister is using the car I brought here because the transmission in HER van died. Mind you, both of these vans have had the transmission replaced within the last two years. My younger sister is pretty much grounded to La Crosse as she'll be in her third trimester.
So, I had to send an email to John asking him to look at flights coming out of La Crosse which will mean paying more for tickets which will likely mean waiting for his NEXT check to get this done. If it wasn't for the holidays coming up, I'd send in all the paperwork that needs to be done anyway so that we don't have to go flying to Japan within a month of getting over there.
*sigh* I'm tired, I'm lonely, I miss my husband terribly and once again, we're out of propane which means no hot water, hot gas for cooking, and no gas for the dryer until I have no idea when. It is times like these that it is very hard for me to keep any bit of optimism going and the day to day living is just very hard. I'm trying to keep my spirits up but it is definitely not easy and I'm quickly running out of chocolate. Which has me thinking some hot chocolate would be nice before bed.
So, I had to send an email to John asking him to look at flights coming out of La Crosse which will mean paying more for tickets which will likely mean waiting for his NEXT check to get this done. If it wasn't for the holidays coming up, I'd send in all the paperwork that needs to be done anyway so that we don't have to go flying to Japan within a month of getting over there.
*sigh* I'm tired, I'm lonely, I miss my husband terribly and once again, we're out of propane which means no hot water, hot gas for cooking, and no gas for the dryer until I have no idea when. It is times like these that it is very hard for me to keep any bit of optimism going and the day to day living is just very hard. I'm trying to keep my spirits up but it is definitely not easy and I'm quickly running out of chocolate. Which has me thinking some hot chocolate would be nice before bed.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Hard to believe John's been gone a month now...
On one hand, it feels like it has been longer and on the other, it feels like it hasn't been that long at all but this time a month ago, John would have been in the air close to two hours so if not over the ocean at that point, close to it. Strange how we'll be in a similar situation ourselves no more than a month from now. It's starting to hit and I'm starting to panic just a wee bit. There's going to be a point where I will be on an airplane with my three year old daughter (I'm figuring she'll be three by the time we leave since her birthday is oh 18 days away) and coming to a country I have never been to and sleeping on a bed that is totally unfamiliar to me. Just seems strange that this is all going to happen but then there have been a lot of things that have happened in my life where I have looked around and thought, "This is NOT happening to me." June 28, 2003 comes to mind as the big one. So there will definitely be moments of WHAT AM I DOING THIS IS NOT HAPPENING! but hopefully not too many. lol Just another adventure in the journey of life though I figure by the end of this, I'll have a few books to right. I mean, come on, if someone can pay Mylie Cyrus SEVEN figures for her biography and she's only 16, I should at least be able to get something for mine! lol I'll admit too, it would be nice to have some time for writing and maybe being in a new place will inspire me and maybe even bring a few more readers to my site. We'll see. Of course, I have considered making it a family effort too though I will admit, Natalie hasn't quite figured out how to put her thoughts to computer or even paper for that matter.
Ah well, I suppose I should head off to deal with the little one who is calling me and continue to figure out what will be going with us as there isn't much time to get everything ready before we depart.
Ah well, I suppose I should head off to deal with the little one who is calling me and continue to figure out what will be going with us as there isn't much time to get everything ready before we depart.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Three weeks...maybe a little longer...but all the same, not much longer...
John called this morning with some VERY good news. We had been looking at ways to cut down on the amount of waiting time that is needed to get over to Korea. Part of what has to be done is to get visas and since going to and from Chicago by car is NOT fun (did that with John last month), the other option is to send it by mail. Well, part of the concern with getting the visa was the sponsorship which required documents being sent over to Korea, then getting the number we would need for the visa application, then filling out the application and sending this really big package to Chicago and then wait for it to come back to us and then get the plane tickets. His news today let me know that we can totally bypass that. We do not need a visa in Korea for thirty days. During that time, we can get the visas done ourselves and all that would be needed is a day trip to Japan to complete the process. So, John is looking into this and with luck, he may be able to get the plane tickets as soon as next week with the money he gets from his paycheck.
So here, I've been thinking how in the world am I going to get through the next month plus before we get over there and now I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to get everything done in the next two weeks! lol Crazy how that all goes. But, at the worst case scenario, if I can't find a way to be in La Crosse for the final week, I do have somewhere else to go and that may something I need if there's no way for me to be in town. In the meantime, I want to spend the next week or so getting EVERYTHING ready including getting all the clothing down to one suitcase and one carry on bag. That's a BIG job but it has to be done. Seems kind of overwhelming though to think about it.
We're getting closer though so that's something. Not scared yet, reality hasn't quite hit on that end and probably won't until I'm actually at the airport or on the way down and then I'll probably freak out. lol
So here, I've been thinking how in the world am I going to get through the next month plus before we get over there and now I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to get everything done in the next two weeks! lol Crazy how that all goes. But, at the worst case scenario, if I can't find a way to be in La Crosse for the final week, I do have somewhere else to go and that may something I need if there's no way for me to be in town. In the meantime, I want to spend the next week or so getting EVERYTHING ready including getting all the clothing down to one suitcase and one carry on bag. That's a BIG job but it has to be done. Seems kind of overwhelming though to think about it.
We're getting closer though so that's something. Not scared yet, reality hasn't quite hit on that end and probably won't until I'm actually at the airport or on the way down and then I'll probably freak out. lol
Thursday, December 4, 2008
It's been awhile since I've done an update on my sister...
The good news: baby's still in there. Now the bad news: she's due in March but she may be having the baby before the end of the year. She had an ultrasound yesterday and there's something going on with the cord and the OB is very concerned. She wants my sister to come in EVERY WEEK. Normally, that doesn't happen until week 36 and on. She's 24 weeks. I think she's getting another ultrasound next week too. And if ANYTHING is off, she's to come in right away. She was 28 weeks, almost 29 weeks pregnant with Emmah when she lost her so the OB is REALLY being cautious. Hopefully the baby will be able to stay in there but some thoughts and prayers are really appreciated right now. A preemie would be REALLY rough on the family and on the little baby too.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
John's been in South Korea for over three weeks now.
Natalie and I are still here, trying to adjust. Plans are being made as far as getting us over to South Korea as well but without tons of money, it's slow going. One of the things I have to do yet is fill out the applications for the visas and send those along with passport photos of both me and Natalie as well as our passports. Before I can even do this though, I need to make copies of the birth certificate AND marriage license both and send those to the school John is at so that those can be sent to the immigration office over there. Then, we're supposed to get our numbers and those go on the visa applications and all of this stuff has to be sent to the Korean Consulate in Chicago. Then those are looked over and we should then get our visas and after that, plans will be made as far as getting the plane tickets. John is working with the travel agent the school worked with when getting him over there and hopefully, we won't have to wait until after January 1st to get there but it's possible. I'm trying to figure everything out and make plans and go through things because I want to be down to having ONLY enough stuff to go into our check in bag and carry on bag and everything else will either be given away, sold, or put in storage. I'm also hoping that I'll be able to pick up a few things we'll need before leaving. Natalie will need new socks and possibly even some new clothes as she has grown over an inch since October 22nd. She will probably also need some new underwear. I need new underwear and new socks myself and maybe another pair or two of pants as those are hard to locate in my size over there.
It hasn't been easy. We both miss John here very much and living with family tends to invite comments and criticisms and they've never really liked John that much anyway. Then there's the religious differences and the fact that this is the time of year we normally do not celebrate that everyone else does! So that makes things a little more difficult. We're also WAAAAAY out in the boonies, the nearest town (and I say this almost tongue-in-cheek as there isn't even a grocery store there but there is a post office) is about 10 miles away. The nearest REAL town is about 15 miles away. Fortunately, there's a Wal-Mart there and if I need most of anything, I can get it there. My hometown is 35 miles away. Natalie has been having to adjust to not being able to go to the park when she wants to or really even outside that much. We're RIGHT by a highway and she's at the non-listening stage of her development right now which has me very concerned. There are also electric fences around here and would prefer she didn't learn to avoid them the way I did, by touching one. Yeouch!
So I'm trying to take each super long day as it comes and hoping that everything will get set up soon so that we can get over there and finally be together and then that will begin the next stage, actually being in Korea. I'm sure there will be interesting pictures coming once I'm over there as there will be all kinds of things to explore. We'll be near a subway (something I have never been on) and I'm sure we'll be taking all kinds of modes of travel while we are there since we will NOT be driving at all. In the meantime, I do have a picture of John and Natalie before he flew out from O'Hare last month:
Don't they look cute together? There's a picture of me somewhere too but eh, I never do like my pictures. lol
It hasn't been easy. We both miss John here very much and living with family tends to invite comments and criticisms and they've never really liked John that much anyway. Then there's the religious differences and the fact that this is the time of year we normally do not celebrate that everyone else does! So that makes things a little more difficult. We're also WAAAAAY out in the boonies, the nearest town (and I say this almost tongue-in-cheek as there isn't even a grocery store there but there is a post office) is about 10 miles away. The nearest REAL town is about 15 miles away. Fortunately, there's a Wal-Mart there and if I need most of anything, I can get it there. My hometown is 35 miles away. Natalie has been having to adjust to not being able to go to the park when she wants to or really even outside that much. We're RIGHT by a highway and she's at the non-listening stage of her development right now which has me very concerned. There are also electric fences around here and would prefer she didn't learn to avoid them the way I did, by touching one. Yeouch!
So I'm trying to take each super long day as it comes and hoping that everything will get set up soon so that we can get over there and finally be together and then that will begin the next stage, actually being in Korea. I'm sure there will be interesting pictures coming once I'm over there as there will be all kinds of things to explore. We'll be near a subway (something I have never been on) and I'm sure we'll be taking all kinds of modes of travel while we are there since we will NOT be driving at all. In the meantime, I do have a picture of John and Natalie before he flew out from O'Hare last month:
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